About Us

We are simply a group of baptized believers who are committed to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of all who will accept it. We endeavor to do this through the ministries of the church, service to our fellow man, and fellowship with each other as a church family.

Every member of our church family is equally important, and we believe that God has given everyone special gifts, abilities and talents that will contribute to us accomplishing the mission God has given us.

Statement of Faith

The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the basis for any statement of faith. This church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of the Baptist Faith. We band ourselves together as a body of Baptized believers in Jesus Christ, personally committed to the sharing of the gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ to lost mankind.

Mission Statement

To be a church that equips the saints, evangelizes the sinner, and exalts the Savior.

Vision Statement

To win the world for Christ through our work, witness, and worship.

Sweet Home Core Principles

  • Christ will be at the center of everything we do
  • We will operate in a spirit of excellence
  • We will show the Love of Jesus at all times
  • We will be salt and light wherever we are
  • We will be intentional in our efforts to build the Kingdom
  • We will serve God by serving others
  • We will love, honor, respect, and defend each other at all times

Sweet Home Church Covenant

Having been led, as we trust, brought by grace to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ, and to give ourselves wholly to Him, we do now solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with Him and one another, to walk together in His statutes with brotherly love. We do now therefore in His strength maintain that we will exercise a Christian care and watchfulness over each other as occasion may require. We will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, but that we will uphold and support the public worship of God and the execution of the ordinances of the church. We will not omit personal and family worship and devotion at home. Nor will we neglect the great duty of religiously educating and training our children and those under our care for the service of the cause of Christ, as well as the enjoyment of Heaven. As we are the light of the world and the salt of the earth, we will seek divine guidance and aid to enable us to deny worldly lusts, avoid evil, and live in holiness that we may by our example lead others to Christ. We will contribute to the support of the church through tithes and offerings, that we may finance new ministry endeavors as well as maintain existing ones. We will in all conditions, even unto death, strive to live to the Glory of Him who has chosen us before the foundations of the world were laid. May the God of Peace, who raised from the dead our Lord Jesus, make us perfect in every good work, that we may do His will, which is pleasing in His sight. To Him be Glory, Power, Honor, and Dominion forever, Amen.